Samvada : Jurnal Riset Komunikasi, Media, dan Public Relation <p style="text-align: justify; color: #000000;">Jurnal Samvada is a scientific journal published by Studi Program Hindu Comunication Science IAHN Gde Pudja Mataram , NTB area. Jurnal Samvada focuses on communication issues in general including&nbsp;media and journalism, marketing comunications, organizational comunication, applied communication, cross culture communication, new communication technology,&nbsp;etc. The articles can be written in Indonesian or English.&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify; color: #000000;">Jurnal Samvada was published twice a year in Mei and Oktober through a&nbsp;double blind review process. The process of sending the script through the Online Journal System.</p> IAHN Gde Pudja Mataram en-US Samvada : Jurnal Riset Komunikasi, Media, dan Public Relation 2962-3553 The Teaching Of Dasa Sila In Sila Kramaning Aguron-Guron Text From The Communicative Attitude Perspective <p><em>This article aims to analyze the teachings of the basic principles contained in the Lontar “sila kramaning aguron-guron” which focuses on the formal objects of communicative attitudes. The focus of the analysis is on the attitude dimension which relies on the teachings of dasa sila, namely ten principles as a guideline for the behavior of sisya (students) in order to improve the quality of spiritual life. This article uses interpretive qualitative methods in analyzing texts using content analysis techniques and hermeneutic methods to interpret the meaning of the text being analyzed. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the teachings of the ten principles in the perspective of communicative attitudes emphasize ethics in behavior, both verbally and non-verbally. There are ten human sensory organs that need to be controlled as tools to improve the quality of life of spiritual sisya, consisting of caksuindriya, srotendriya, granendriya, wakindriya, jihwendriya, panindriya, padendriya, paywindriya, pastendriya, and wikindriya. These ten sense organs must be controlled properly and correctly. The basic principles of indriya are a guide to action that must be adhered to by the side in their behavior to improve the quality of life spiritually. The dasa sila, namely ten basic teaching elements of the precepts are communicative actions taught by teachers to their sisya.</em></p> I Wayan Ardhi Wirawan I Wayan Wirata Ni Putu Sudewi Budhawati Gede Mahardika Jro Ayu Ningrat ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 2 2 100 115 10.53977/jsv.v2i2.1309 Media Sebagai Wadah Pelestarian Budaya Jawa <p><em>Indonesia is a culturally diverse country. Java is a tribe with a plethora of cultural endowments. Cuisine; music; dance; rituals/ceremonies; craft; calendar (calendar); language; to architecture or buildings that exist in Javanese cultural traditions are examples of Javanese cultural assets. Javanese culture is an essential element in Indonesia's variety that other countries do not own. As a result, it is critical to maintain Javanese culture as one of Indonesia's original resources. However, in the contemporary period, the people began to believe that Javanese culture, as the original traditional culture of Indonesia, was antiquated and out of date. The advancement of information and communication technology in the modern period can be viewed from two perspectives: positive and harmful. This paper is the end outcome of qualitative study. The documentation study method, one of the qualitative data collecting methods used in this writing, is used to collect data in this writing by reading and analyzing associated documents. Denis McQuail's media theory as part of mass communication is used as the analysis knife in this work. As a result, with correct management, the media can be used to preserve Javanese culture. Not only can the media educate, but it may also serve as a marketing vehicle for Javanese culture, resulting in economic rewards.</em></p> Pramana Pramana Chairunnisa Widya Priastuty ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 2 2 116 123 10.53977/jsv.v2i2.1310 Mempromosikan Wisata Kuliner Di Kota Mataram Melalui Media Sosial, Peluang Dan Tantangan <p><em>Tourism is a sector that continues to develop and provides great benefits for development progress. The presence of social media has played a role in bringing about fantastic leaps of progress, including in tourism promotion. Culinary tourism is one of the attractions of a destination. This article aims to explore the use of social media as an effective marketing strategy while improving the image of tourism in the city of Mataram. Using qualitative methods, it was concluded that opportunities: the existence of social media to promote culinary tourism is related to its wide-reaching nature, it can display unique and interesting visual content created by collaborating with influencers to improve the tourist experience. Challenges: excess information and noise, difficulty in maintaining authenticity or original taste, difficulty managing images on social media, and a lack of digital skills and resources. Culinary tourism locations in Mataram City, which include the Karang Taliwang area, Ampenan Beach, Loang Balok Beach and the Rembiga area, need attention from the government regarding representative arrangements. Development of the tourism sector that is oriented towards sustainable tourism by involving the community must be carried out through strategic policies that lead to increasing community income.</em></p> Ni Nyoman Harnika I Wayan Sutama ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 2 2 124 139 10.53977/jsv.v2i2.1311 Eksistensi Bentuk Komunikasi Penyiaran RRI Mataram di Era Digital <p><em>This research aims to examine the existence of RRI Mataram's form of broadcasting in the digital era. RRI Mataram is the only government-owned radio in the city of Mataram which in order to keep up with developments in information and communication technology of course requires innovation in the form of broadcasting so that it continues to exist and does not lose RRI Mataram's loyal listeners. The focus of the research is on aspects of RRI Mataram's broadcasting form in the digital era. This research was designed in a qualitative descriptive manner, using media convergence theory. The results of the research show that RRI Mataram's form of broadcasting communication in the digital era uses three forms of radio which were initially innovated to become digital radio. The three forms are analog radio, digital radio and online radio. Analog radio was the first form of radio which still exists today. Analog radio uses analog signals which can be affected by various factors, such as electromagnetic interference, damage to components, and weather. Secondly, digital radio is radio which in its use uses digital technology to share information with a wide audience. The information which was originally audio is then converted into digital data and then received by the radio. Digital signals have better sound quality than analog signals. The third is internet radio or online radio, internet radio, namely radio that uses an internet connection in its broadcast communication process. Internet radio has a streaming media to provide continuous audio channels that are not found on conventional radio in general. Internet radio is also often called web radio, or net radio.</em></p> Ni Wayan Esty Yuliandari Rieka Yulita Widaswara ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 2 2 140 150 10.53977/jsv.v2i2.1312 Komunikasi Politik Dalam Konteks Sejarah <p><em>Political communication in a historical context views human life as inseparable from its activities. The aim of this research is to describe the dynamics of the history of political communication in Indonesia. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The history of political communication in Indonesia starts from the Colonial Era, political communication in Indonesia was limited by the colonial government's control over media and information. Nevertheless, the nationalist movement began to use print media, such as newspapers, as a means of spreading the idea of ​​independence. History of political communication in the Era of the Struggle for Independence, political communication became crucial in forming unity and a spirit of resistance against colonialists. Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) emerged as an important communication channel in this period. In the history of political communication in the Old Orde r Era, political propaganda was the main tool in forming public opinion. Political speeches in stadiums and the use of mass media such as newspapers and radio are used to convey political messages. The history of political communication in the New Orde r, the government had complete control over the media. Suharto's speeches and emphasis on "Pancasila as the state ideology" became the dominant pattern in political communication. Television became the main tool for conveying government messages. History of political communication in the Reform Era, Indonesia experienced significant changes in political communication. Mass media developed rapidly, and freedom of expression was increasingly recognized. More open general elections and more plural political dynamics encourage an increase in the role of the media in shaping public opinion</em></p> Nazala Noor Maulany Sayu Kadek Jelantik ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 2 2 151 163 10.53977/jsv.v2i2.1313 Komunikasi Simbolik Dalam Tradisi Megibung di Kota Mataram <p><em>Communication is very important for human survival. Symbolic communication is communication carried out through agreed or conventional symbols. Cultural values are symbolic communication used to communicate meaning to society. The megibung tradition is a culture that has symbols and cultural values that must be understood by the community. This research aims to explore symbolic communication in the megibung tradition. This research uses a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. The data obtained was then analyzed through three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and data conclusion. The results of this study show that symbolic communication in the megibung tradition is found in the management, order and activities of society, namely a symbol that communicates meaning to society, such as tools, materials, moral values, language, symbols, gestures, time and vocals.</em></p> Komang Karisma Ni Putu Listiawati Ni Wayan Rasmini I Nyoman Alit Suarjaya ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 2 2 164 180 10.53977/jsv.v2i2.1314 Komunikasi Sosial Dalam Menjaga Kerukunan Umat Beragama di Kelurahan Cakranegara Selatan Baru <p><em>Community and religious leaders have a role in maintaining religious harmony in the midst of irregularities that occurred in several neighborhoods in Cakranegara Selatan Baru Village. The aim of the study was to find out the Forms of Communication, Communication Processes and the Impact of Communication of Community Leaders and Religious Leaders in maintaining religious harmony in Cakranegara Selatan Baru Village. The theory used in this research is Laswell's communication theory. The research methodology uses descriptive qualitative methods, with data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study consist of three important points, namely as follows: Forms of communication of community and religious leaders in the North and South Abian Tubuh Sub-District of Cakranegara Selatan Baru, namely interpersonal and group communication. Interpersonal communication is carried out to solve problems faced by the community in the form of disputes, drug arrest cases, fights, so that troubled people get solutions to the problems they face. Both group communication is carried out in coaching and directing activities to the community to be able to tolerate and respect each other to create harmony. The communication process of community and religious leaders consists of five important elements based on the assumptions of Lasswell's communication theory, namely the existence of a communicator consisting of the Head of the neighborhood, Head of RT, Stakeholder and Ustaz. Messages that contain guidance and solutions to the community. Media used orally and in writing. The communicant is the community as the recipient of the guided message. Then the feedback or effect is expected to change people's attitudes and behavior. The impact of the communication of community and religious leaders is the creation of harmonious relationships and an attitude of tolerance that is applied in social life so that harmony can be achieved.</em></p> Sayu Ketut Wanesari Joko Prayitno Rieka Yulita Widaswara ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 2 2 181 193 10.53977/jsv.v2i2.1315 Komunikasi Penyiaran Pada Program Berita “Nusa Tenggara Barat Hari Ini” <p><em>Broadcast communication in the digital era, especially television media, has experienced very strict selection in the last few decades. Media corporations compete fiercely to captivate viewers with news coverage that provides insight and conveys information to the public. The West Nusa Tenggara TVRI News Program still exists to this day, although so far it has received little attention from the public. This research aims to identify the form, process and impact of broadcast communication on the news program "West Nusa Tenggara Today" broadcast by TVRI West Nusa Tenggara. Using a qualitative approach and data collection techniques using non-participant observation and using agenda setting theory to dissect each problem formulation. The research results show that the form of broadcast communication on the news program "West Nusa Tenggara Today" is carried out by verbal communication using language symbols. The communication process occurs when humans interact. The mass communication process is the delivery of messages from communicators to communicants using media as a tool to support the widespread dissemination of information. The impact of the news broadcast is to provide change, namely the knowledge gained. Viewers can obtain the latest information through well-communicated news broadcasts. The negative impact is that the broadcast that is broadcast can cause differences in perception regarding the meaning of the message, which will cause divisions.</em></p> Komang Yogi Yanti Ida Bagus Heri Juniawan Sayu Kadek Jelantik ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 2 2 194 203 10.53977/jsv.v2i2.1316