Widya Sundaram : Jurnal Pendidikan Seni Dan Budaya http://e-journal.iahn-gdepudja.ac.id/index.php/JWS <p style="text-align: justify; color: #000000;"><strong>Widya Sundaram : Jurnal Pendidikan Seni dan Budaya</strong> adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Seni dan Budaya Keagamaan Hindu IAHN Gde Pudja Mataram. <strong>Widya Sundaram : Jurnal Pendidikan Seni dan Budaya</strong> mulai edisi pertama terbit pada Vol. 1, No. 1, Maret 2023. Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun yaitu pada bulan Maret&nbsp; dan September yang bertujuan untuk mewadahi artikel-artikel hasil penelitian maupun non penelitian dibidang pendidikan dan pembelajaran pendidikan seni dan budaya.</p> <p style="text-align: justify; color: #000000;">Fokus dan ruang lingkup jurnal ini meliputi kajian tentang seni, pendidikan, pembelajaran seni, dan budaya yang dihasilkan melalui penelitian, hasil kajian kepustakaan, maupun hasil teoritis yang dilakukan pada jenjang pendidikan dasar sampai dengan pendidikan tinggi.</p> Institut Agama Hindu Negeri Gde Pudja Mataram en-US Widya Sundaram : Jurnal Pendidikan Seni Dan Budaya 2988-1501 Konsep Wiku Ideal Dalam Kidung Cowak http://e-journal.iahn-gdepudja.ac.id/index.php/JWS/article/view/1265 <p><em>This text contains many values of sublime teachings that must be used as guidelines by sulinggih candidates or sulinggih in carrying out swadharma to serve the community, especially in the spiritual field. Before serving the people, a sulinggih must prepare himself thoroughly and master sadhana, sesana, wariga, yoga, brata and jñana. The mastery of this knowledge will greatly determine the ideal quality as a sulinggih who is used as a role model and protector of humanity. This study aims to reduce the text, describe the content of the text and translate it freely into Indonesian. For people who do not know how to read and write Balinese script, it will be easier to understand. In addition, this research reveals the concept of the ideal wiku including, Right Purpose, Choosing a Teacher, Yoga, Putusing Aji. To achieve this goal, the method used is the method of Data Collection, Data Analysis, Presentation of Research Results. This research is a literature research with the object of study of Kidung Cowak manuscripts that researchers found from the storage of private collections of the Lombok community. There are several considerations for researchers to reveal this Kidung Cowak manuscript as follows: (1) Kidung Cowak manuscripts are not well known in the community. (2) To the best of the researcher's knowledge, the manuscript of Kidung Cowak has not been studied philologically. (3) Kidung Cowak manuscript contains many teachings about sublimity which are still relevant as a reference and guideline for sulinggih candidates and those who have become sulinggih.</em></p> Ida Bagus Heri Juniawan Ida Bagus Alit Arta Wiguna ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-09-30 2023-09-30 1 02 105 124 10.53977/jws.v1i02.1265 Peran Guru Dalam Menumbuhkan Nilai Moral dan Agama Pada Anak Usia Dini http://e-journal.iahn-gdepudja.ac.id/index.php/JWS/article/view/1266 <p>Pendidikan yaitu bagian utama manusia untuk memperbaiki sesuatu yang tidak baik menjadi sesuatu yang baik. Pendidikan nilai agama dan moral adalah bagian dari aspek perkembangan anak usia dini yang kerap ditinggalkan. Dalam pendidikan moral dan agama yaitu salah satu bagian dari peningkatan diri anak usia dini yang dijalankan sejak masa golden age. Tujuan dari penelitian ini guna untuk memahami strategi pendidik dalam menumbuhkan nilai agama dan moral pada anak usia dini. Penelitian ini menerapkan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. adapun subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini yaitu 2 orang pendidik kelas dan 2 orang pendidik pendamping. Hasil penelitian membuktikan strategi yang digunakan pendidik di TKN Pembina Ampenan dalam menumbuhkan nilai moral dan agama dilakukan dengan menjadikan kebiasaan yang dalam kegiatanya meliputi mengucapkan salam setiap harinya serta bersalaman, bermain dengan saling menghormati antar sesama, kegiatan berdoa dan membaca doa dengan agama dan kepercayaan yang dianut anak, kegiatan makan dan cuci tangan Bersama, berdoa sebelum dan sesudah belajar, dan mengenal seluruh ciptaan Tuhan dengan teman-teman</p> Nyoman Asti Ariyanti Ni Made Linda Dewi Ni Nyoman Pujiani Ida Bagus Alit Arta Wiguna ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-09-30 2023-09-30 1 02 125 135 10.53977/jws.v1i02.1266 Penanaman seni kontemporer pada abad ke 21 http://e-journal.iahn-gdepudja.ac.id/index.php/JWS/article/view/1287 <p><em>Creating a dynamic landscape of creativity, reflecting profound changes in media, technology, and reflections on social reality, this research highlights the evolutionary journey of art in the modern era. It discusses paradigm shifts in art media, the influence of technology that has given birth to new creative expressions, and the role of contemporary art in responding to social reality. The research also explores the integration of contemporary art in public spaces, transforming it into a visual language that stretches beyond the traditional boundaries of art galleries. Reception challenges and educational measures to broaden the appreciation of contemporary art are also the focus of discussion. Summarizing these elements provides a snapshot of the dynamics and complexities of cultivating contemporary art in the 21st century—a creative journey involving transformation, reflection, and ever-evolving dialogue. By weaving meaning through innovation and inclusion, contemporary art remains a means to permeate the richness of modern creativity, shaping cultural identity amidst the changing times</em></p> Ummi Masruroh ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-09-30 2023-09-30 1 02 136 145 10.53977/jws.v1i02.1287 Eksistensi Seni Pertunjukan Fragmentari Pada Generasi Muda Hindu http://e-journal.iahn-gdepudja.ac.id/index.php/JWS/article/view/1262 <p>Fragmentari merupakan sebuah pertunjukan yang didalamnya terdapat cerita atau peristiwa nyata yang telah terjadi pada waktu terdahulu, yang dibawakan oleh pelaku seni kemudian dikemas serta disajikan dengan menampilkan berbagai peran serta dalam kurun waktu lebih singkat dibandingkan dengan waktu yang terjadi pada cerita asli. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi, dalam penelitian ini penulis akan berusaha menganalisis terkait eksistensi seni pertunjukan fragmentari pada Generasi Muda Hindu. Lokasi penelitian memfokuskan pada wilayah Kota Mataram karena di wilayah tersebut terlihat sangat banyak generasi muda Hindu yang ikut berpartisipasi dan antusias dalam setiap adanya sebuah pelaksanaan pementasan seni pertunjukan Fragmentari. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Eksistensi seni pertunjukan Fragmentari keberadaanya menjadi lebih eksis dibandingkan dengan sebelumnya, hal ini dapat dilihat dari semakin banyaknya Generasi Muda Hindu yang mau semangat ikut berpartisipasi dalam membuat berbagai garapan Fragmentari, lalu melakukan pementasan baik itu pada saat adanya kegiatan khusus yang disengaja ataupun memanfaatkan Hari Raya umat Hindu sebagai waktu untuk menyuguhkan hiburan. Masyarakat umum juga mendukung dan sangat antusias dengan adanya pementasan Fragmentari yang dibuat oleh Generasi Muda Hindu. Struktur penyajian pementasan seni pertunjukan Fragmentari terdiri dari Prolog, pembabakan dan juga penutup serta instrumen penggiring. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam Fragmentari adalah Gong kebyar terdiri dari pelog 5 nada, nama instrumen musik dalam Gong Kebyar diantaranya terdiri dari Kendang lanang dan Kendang Wadon, 1 Petuk, 1 kecek, 1 Ugal, 4 Pemade, 2 Kantil, Cengceng, Suling, 1 reong, 2 gong, 1 kempul, 2 calung atau jublag, 2 jegogan.</p> Ni Luh Eka Yuli Anggreni ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-09-30 2023-09-30 1 02 146 157 10.53977/jws.v1i02.1262 Peran Guru Bidang Seni Dan Budaya Dalam Membentuk Nilai-nilai Pancasila http://e-journal.iahn-gdepudja.ac.id/index.php/JWS/article/view/1292 <p><em>This research investigates the central role that arts and culture teachers play in shaping students' Pancasila values. Focusing on character education, this research involves a qualitative approach using literature analysis and case studies as data collection methods. Art teachers, in this context, are considered as key agents who shape students' characters through various forms of art and culture. The literature analysis highlights the importance of art as an effective medium for transmitting moral and ethical values reflected in Pancasila. Art teachers have the responsibility to teach values such as gotong royong, justice, unity and tolerance through various art expressions. Case studies were conducted in several schools that implemented art education programs focusing on Pancasila values. The results show that this approach successfully creates a deep and meaningful learning environment. Art teachers act as facilitators who guide students in understanding Pancasila values through their own artworks. The practical approach used by art teachers involves the use of various techniques, such as collaborative art projects, reflective discussions and art exhibitions. Art teachers serve as role models, creating connections between the values taught and students' daily practices. This research contributes to our understanding of the role of art and culture teachers in shaping Pancasila values in students. The findings can be the basis for more in-depth education policy development, emphasizing the importance of including arts and culture in character education to produce a generation that is not only academically smart, but rooted in moral and civic values.</em></p> Juliandri Maya Chrysty ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-09-30 2023-09-30 1 02 158 167 10.53977/jws.v1i02.1292 Pengembangan Potensi Seni Siswa Melalui Pembelajaran Di Pasraman http://e-journal.iahn-gdepudja.ac.id/index.php/JWS/article/view/1293 <p><strong><em>This research aims to carry out an analysis regarding the development of the artistic and cultural potential of Hindu students through learning activities at the pasraman. Art as a potential possessed by humans really needs to be developed to provide meaning for a child. Sometimes parents do not have the ability to guide children to develop their artistic potential. Pasraman as a center for non-formal Hindu education is a vehicle that can help students develop their potential. Apart from products in the form of mastering artistic skills, through pasraman students will be given other understandings emotionally and spiritually. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach with data presentation in the form of descriptive narratives. The data in the research was obtained through observation, interviews, documentation studies and literature studies. The data that has been obtained is then analyzed using the analysis model developed by Miles, Huberman and Saldana, which consists of data collection, condensation, presentation and data verification. The research findings show that pasraman has an important role in developing students' artistic potential through a series of training activities in the fields of dharma gita, dance and percussion (karawitan). The form of actualization of the students' artistic potential will be displayed at a piodalan ceremony at the local environmental temple. This opportunity for self-actualization fosters a sense of self-confidence for students which will then further increase motivation in developing artistic potential. Some of the challenges experienced in efforts to develop students' artistic potential at pasraman include limited teaching staff (teachers) with qualified competence, limited facilities and infrastructure, less than optimal learning evaluations, inconsistent student attendance and an unsupportive environment.</em></strong></p> I Wayan Rudiarta ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-09-30 2023-09-30 1 02 168 187 10.53977/jws.v1i02.1293 Eksistensi Filsafat Seni pada Era Disrupsi http://e-journal.iahn-gdepudja.ac.id/index.php/JWS/article/view/1297 <p><em>The era of disruption brings fundamental changes in the art world, presenting challenges and opportunities that require deep philosophical understanding. This research aims to explore the existence of art philosophy in the era of disruption, discussing the transformation of art identity, the dynamics of the relationship between art and technology, ethical considerations in digital art, the role of art as an agent of social change, and the shifting paradigm of the art economy. The results of this research provide an in-depth look at the complexities of contemporary art in the face of cultural, technological, and social change. The practical and philosophical implications of the existence of art philosophy are outlined, providing a foundation for artists, researchers, and art lovers to understand and permeate the dynamics of art in this time of disruption. This research also identifies future research directions to deepen the understanding of the role of philosophy of art in facing challenges and innovations in the evolving art world.</em></p> Putu Ayu Ditha Zeptyani Ida Ayu Made Yuni Andari Ni Wayan Ria Lestari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-09-30 2023-09-30 1 02 189 198 10.53977/jws.v1i02.1297