Hakikat Pendidikan H.A.R Tilaar dalam Perspektif Filsafat Pendidikan Progresivisme
H.A.R Tilaar interprets the function of education as an agent of change. According to him, education process must be democratic, respectful to the rights of students and has a transformative character. The function of education as a carrier of values of openness and tolerance is one of the topics in the philosophy of progressive education. The method used in this study is hermeneutics with Tilaar's thoughts of education as the main object. The approach being used over Tilaar's thoughts were pursued with factual and historical method to read Tilaar’s thoughts using the concept of progressivism in philosophy of education.The methodical elements being used in this research are hermenutics, induction-deduction, internal coherence and reflective description to review the nature of education as an important element in culture, the function of education and the relationship between student and teacher in education process. The research’s result can be pointed out as follows: Tilaar formulates the vision and mission of national education by looking nature of education itself, and consider how the function of supporting elements in the learning process, such as teachers, pupils, schools and the curriculum can interact harmoniously and this thinking is in line with the main points in the philosophy of progressive education. It can be concluded that the educational thinking of Tilaar has the style of progressivism because its basics idea highly reflects the spirit of openness and critical philosophy. This also shows that the idea Tilaar has relevance in the preparation of education policy in Indonesia.
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