The existence of teaching material in the process of English instructions has a very important role, especially in online learing situatiions. For this reason, English lectures need to understand deeply about how these teaching materials can be prepared optimally in order to ensure the success of the education process especially in higher education. Therefore, this study using a literature research methodology aims to examine through the study of several literature sources regarding the integration of Krashen's theory of second language acquisition into the process of developing English instructional materials in the online learning process in university. From the analysis that had been carried out, it was found that based on Krashen's theory and the characteristics of English teaching materials, English instructional materials that need to be developed by lectures in online learning are by prioritizing the concept that mastery of language as a communication tool takes place subconsciously by "taking" language naturally. So, in this case, English lectures must focus on developing teaching materials so that students are able to "pick up" language; not just memorizing vocabulary or its grammatical structures.
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