The Essence of Education and Character Education in the Paradigm of Critical Education Philosophy

  • I Wayan Agus Gunada Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Singaraja
Keywords: education, character, critical studies, philosophy


The writing of this study is to explain education and character
education from the point of view of critical educational philosophy.
Education is a process to achieve competence and self-maturation, and
character education is currently essential in overcoming moral
degradation. However, its implementation still needs to be
strengthened, considering that there are still many phenomena of
juvenile delinquency in school-age children. So that studies in the
critical paradigm are essential to be carried out to put back the position
of education and the implementation of character education in the
learning process in educational institutions. This study uses
qualitative research with a literature study approach; analysis uses a
reduction analysis model, data presentation, and verification. The
results of the interpretation can be explained that the study of critical
philosophy in education seeks to criticize the essence of education and
character education that is understood today. Proper education is not
only the process that runs in schools, but education runs within the
family, school, and community. Character education is a process of
internalization, and integration of values, in order to realize students
with character and become a guideline for attitudes and behavior, as
well as moral awareness to mitigate moral degradation by students, so
it must be strengthened not only in the policy context but must be
strengthened in its implementation. This study can increase knowledge
about the philosophy of critical education and is helpful to be a
reference library for relevant studies.


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How to Cite
Gunada, I. W. (2023). The Essence of Education and Character Education in the Paradigm of Critical Education Philosophy. Sophia Dharma: Jurnal Filsafat, Agama Hindu, Dan Masyarakat, 6(1), 35-46. Retrieved from